Nope... it's not today. So don't even bother greeting me. =)
Well it's been quite a treat since yesterday. Remember my first concert with the Harvard Summer Chorus? Anyway, the conductor invited me and GP to audition for any of the Harvard choirs. Well, there's really only 2 choirs we can choose from: Harvard Glee Club (HGC) and Harvard-Radcliffe Collegium Musicum (HRCM). We auditioned yesterday (which I think went well) and found out today that we got into HRCM. We also found out that the first rehearsal is this afternoon. Ugh! Talk about adrenalin rush! GP and I were so excited to attend the first rehearsal. It was quite a different experience... a good one but different. For me, the oddest feeling I had was just the age gap. 95% of the group were all students. The other 5% were Harvard grad students and teachers, GP and myself. Yup, we are 2 different groups. GP and I represent the adventitious schools and work force, respectively.
But, it really is a treat to be part of such a group. Tis indeed a happy day.
Thanks to those who greeted me on my bday (9/24)