I haven't been this sick since I was in the 5th grade. It's day 4 of sickness, and day 3 of being stuck at home. My sleeping regime has never been this erratic. I'm inaudible. I move like my great grandma (may she rest in peace). And I whine a lot.

Ok, here's what happened. Tuesday early morning (even before dawn), I started coughing. All throughout the day, I was having headaches. I left work early, went straight home and rested. Woke up at 11pm due to intolerable headache. It was so unbearable I took 2 tablets of Excedrin at 1am (Wednesday). For someone who rarely uses drugs of any sorts, that is a lot. And of course, I forgot to read the label which says "contains caffeine". For someone who doesn't drink coffee, rarely drinks soda, and sometimes drinks tea, that kept me awake till around 9am. Hey, at least I didn't feel any aches.

I practically stayed in bed the entire day. I drank half a gallon of OJ, and ate clementines throughout the day. I tried to sleep but everytime I wake up, I feel sweat all over. I just felt disgusted with myself that I decided to take a hot shower (yes, hot... not warm. If our pipes would allow boiling hot water, I would've done it. It felt nice. I could've stayed in the bathroom with hot water running down my body all day if it was possible.

Thursday, I didn't get to wake up till my boss called me at 10am. Whoops... did I not call them? Oh well, I decided to call my doctor's office and request that she see me the same day. I saw her at 3pm (Thank you Carnell for the ride). To summarize the visit, she said that it's not the flu but it's a viral bug that's been going around. Unfortunately, antibiotics cannot prescribe. Instead, she suggested to take lots of fluids, tylenol/ibuprofen, and rest.

So, here I am... 3:30am... posting away. Yes, I couldn't sleep. Although, I do feel a bit sleepy now. Maybe this blogging is therapeutic for me. Ok... falling asleep... goodnight.
