I haven’t been to an amusement park for quite some time now. I’m so glad that Kristin, Jing, and David invited me. We went to Six Flags New England last Saturday. It really was a lousy day to be at the park but at least my transportation worked out well. Ana was going to Baltimore that day. So, at least I could use her car. I brought Ana to the airport at 6:30am that day. Then, I went straight to Kristin’s place in Medford for breakfast. Jing and David met us there as well and we all left Medford around 8:30am. We got to Six Flags New England in Agawam, MA around 10:30am. It was drizzling. Lines were quite long. We probably got inside the park sometime before 11:00am. That’s when it started to pour. Some of the rides were still running but the roller coasters closed. So, we decided to do Hurricane Harbor instead. I thought I was going to be bored. It turned out that it was really fun to be in a water park… while it was raining. It made me reminisce of when I played in the rain when I was still a kid. No inhibitions. No tribulations. No worries. No fear. =)
At Hurricane Harbor, we did the Big Kahuna, Cannonball Falls, Commotion Ocean, Geronimo Falls and Zooma Falls, and Typhoon. Grabbed lunch around 2:30pm, and began the roller coaster rides at 3:30pm starting with Superman (rated "Number One Coaster in the World" four years in a row). The Dark Knight: Batman came up next followed by Mind Eraser. By this time, it was probably around 7:00pm and we were pretty much tired. My aunt had called and reminded us of going to their place afterwards for my uncle’s birthday. We left Six Flags around 7:30pm. It was a 2 hour drive to their place. I saw some of my family members. The four of us (Jing, David, Kristin, and yours truly) stuffed ourselves with the home-cooked food that my aunt prepared. As tired as I was during the day, I still ended up getting home around 1:00am.
Sunday morning… sun’s up… it’s 9:00am. I turned on my laptop and saw a familiar name in my messenger. I said “Hi!”. He and his friends also went to Six Flags but we didn’t get to meet or call each other because our phones cannot be reached (literally… mine was in the locker, his was in the car). We talked about what each of us did at the park then he asked if I wanted to join him and Henry out for dim sum at the Chinese restaurant near my place. Of course I said YES! Who would turn down dim sum on a Sunday morn? So, I did my laundry at 9:30am and met them at the restaurant around 11:30am. As expected, the place was packed but we didn’t wait too long for a table to be available. We had siomai, Chinese broccoli, calamari, etc. Surprisingly, I ate just right. I didn’t feel bloated at all. =) After that, I met up with Kristin. We went shopping at Everett. I got myself 2 pairs of shoes, 2 packs of socks, and some leather cleaner. She got some baby clothes for her niece and nephew. After that intense shopping, we ate at Yoki, a new sushi place in Medford, MA. It was not too appealing from the outside with it's blue and red sign. Once get in, the atmosphere turned a lot more Japanese: dark wood chairs with tables lined with off-white cloths, big posts that somewhat resemble a Japanese arch went across the booths. A bar at the back of the restaurant with 3 or 4 flat screen TVs made the place look modern. Sunlight entered through their big windows illuminated the place. The waiters were all friendly. there were 2 or 3 who had served us (probably because there were only 3 tables occupied at the time we got there). We got 3 types of maki, an order of tempura, and finished it off with vanilla and green tea ice cream. YUM!!!!
We went to Jing's place after that and watched Stomp the Yard. I didn't really care for it. I give it 2 out of 5. The movie is like a merge of You Got Served and Bring It On. But unlike the other 2, Stomp the Yard had a lot of talking and the dancing was not impressive (except for a step or 2... but that was it). The drama was not convincing at all. And the ending was anticlimactic. I usually get teary-eyed towards the end of a movie. This did nothing to me.

Anyway, we went home after the movie... I have another week ahead of me filled with activities and the usual work. I hope this week will be better than last. *crossfingers*